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TONY CALLAGHAN requested to merge authentication into main


What does this Merge Request (MR) do?

1. Added authentication

  • added firebase authentication access which saves the input details which will be input on the frontend registration form such as email, firstname and surname to the firebase datastore and saves the password to firebase authentication to ensure password safety.

  • When a user then goes to login with the submit button on the frontend, it will trigger an event which will ask firebase authentication to verify that the username is in the database and that the password inputed with the username is the correct password that goes with that username, upon this being successful it will grant the user a "logged in" status. upon then clicking the logout button it will give the user a "logged out" status.

This will then be used to grant users permissions if the "logged in" status is active.

2. Login / Register forms html

  • Added basic HTML forms to their respective pages - To unblock David while he waits for the frontend to be added for these pages.
  • Originally these pages were done in standard HTML/CSS but will have to be converted to ReactJS:
    • To avoid implications.
    • For consistency and maintainability. (every other FE page is in React)
    • Kevin already setup routing for these pages (see Routers.js) and shouldn't be necessary to change this for a single page.
    • Pipeline will fail on 'build'.
    • Login/Register is going to be changed in the Nav bar when a user is logged in. This is much easier to implement when the login functionality is through React. (i.e. state management)

2. Clean-up

  • removed random directory that got into main branch.
  • renamed 'frontend' to 'core'. This more appropriate as the directory will contain elements from both BE and FE.
  • ie.mp4 added to public dir.





Merge request reports